Monday, December 20, 2010

4 Days left

Only four days left until Christmas and I am quickly running out of time. As I would much rather make gifts than buy them, getting things done for my family is tough. I also has a white elephant gift I needed to get for work and as I work with both sexes this was very difficult. I just didn't know what to do. A lot of people pick up games, wine, alcohol, and gag gifts. I didn't want to do the same as everyone else and with some minors in the bunch I didn't want them to end up with something they weren't allowed to have. Now as I work in a restaurant, I came up with the idea of creating a Server Gift Set. I got pens and paper, some lotion (restaurant grade hand sanitizer drys out your hands FAST), hand sanitizer, chap stick, and I also picked up a slinky (one girl thought the lotion and slinky were some kind of kinky kit lol) and a green blanket. I added an apple and wrote on it APPLEBEE'S (as that is where I work) in black permanent marker. I added a note to the blanket saying for that open to close double so you can nap in your car on your break. It turned out super cute and everyone loved the blanket, sadly my gift ended up with one of the hosts that I am sure could care less about what they received and I do feel bad that some of the items that would be great for a server ended up with some one who doesn't really need them for their job, but will be of good use else where. Here is my APPLEBEE'S Blanket

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